Consultant to the City of Minneapolis assisting in the architect selection, community engagement, design process, and procurement of a new concessionaire. The project will consolidate 1,300 City employees and a number of City departments and public service functions that are currently located in different buildings into one new building across the street from City Hall. The design is by the Danish architecture firm of Henning Larsen in partnership with local architecture firm MSR. M. A. Mortenson is the construction manager for the project. Design was completed in the summer of 2018 and construction will be complete in 2020 with occupancy scheduled for 2020/21. (2019–2021)
NPSB Honor Award Submission (PDF)
• 2023 AIA National Architecture Award
• 2022 AIA New York Design Award
• 2022 Tucker Design Award – Natural Stone Institute
• 2021 AIA Minnesota Honor Award